A loving, gentle, supportive way to regenerate and heal your life.
The retreat starts with a beautiful film called Ngaligumerra (we are one) by Aunty Jinta/Isira.

To watch teaser click link: https://isira.com/integrated-awakening/ngaligumerra-we-are-one-teaser-pure-awareness/?vgo_ee=NErtoMmHVvKrLlkYlx0GXPlMy%2BOWWuyaZunZiCXh6gI%3D
Aunty Jinta is an elder of our First Nations people. She is also an awakened spiritual leader. See https://isira.com/
Ngaligumerra shares the wisdom of Dadirri; deep listening and receptivity. It also describes four pillars of holistic awakening: Country, Kinship, Self-spirit and Cosmos.
After the film Mia will provide practical ways she has applied Dadirri and the four pillars.
Spend time with Mia and some like minded beings in an atmosphere of beautiful presence.
Learn Dadirri, inner deep listening and open receptivity. Learn how to be guided truly from spirit within and without.
Learn about connection with Country/Earth, Kinship (and totems), Self/Spirit and the Cosmos . There will be discussions, meditations and question opportunities.
Mia’s husband Dan Moylan, will teach a short session of gentle yoga for calming . No experience required. Nothing Mia’s 91yo mother couldn’t do!
Watch another snippet from the film, click this link https://isira.com/integrated-awakening/ngaligumerra-we-are-one-teaser-songlines/?vgo_ee=NErtoMmHVvKrLlkYlx0GXPlMy%2BOWWuyaZunZiCXh6gI%3D

Postponed until further notice
Time; to be advised
Place: to be advised
Cost: to be advised
Payment is by internet transfer: my account number is on the confirmation sheet you’ll receive at booking.