Building Worthiness shares Mia’s early awakening journey & enriches yours. Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy is about healing every aspect of you; emotional, physical & spiritual.
Building Worthiness
A doctor’s journey of awakening, a shared journey to worthiness.
Mia shares some of her own journey, as a way of describing how we all build worthiness towards awakening.
Help is available all around us
Describes an experience at Uluru being so supported by Spirit beings, Pleiadians (extraterrestrial) and Mother Earth. We are…
Trusting Life
Life inevitably pulls us home. When not in alignment, we will experience circumstances or symptoms designed to realign…
Healing is everywhere.
As we work on presence we realize that the core of everything is love, no matter the surface…
Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy
Align with your inner spirit. Heal physically, emotionally and spiritually, towards greater wellbeing.
You are powerful
Start to access your true power, allowing greater authenticity and healing. When we recognize the vast presence we…
Physical & Psychological Healing
Everything that we experience can be used as an opportunity for growth. Both physical and psychological unwellness may…
Healing with Mother Earth
Connecting to Mother Earth is immeasurably healing, provides deep spiritual connection and is a beautiful source of guidance….
Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy Podcast
Learn how to align with your own inner spirit. Heal with honesty and compassion. Let spirit flow.
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