Building Worthiness shares Mia’s early awakening journey & enriches yours. Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy is about healing every aspect of you; emotional, physical & spiritual.
Building Worthiness
A doctor’s journey of awakening, a shared journey to worthiness.
Mia shares some of her own journey, as a way of describing how we all build worthiness towards awakening.
How supported we are in spirit
Describes my first ever contact with spirit beings and just how supported we all are. There are angels,…
Aligning with our inner wisdom.
As we align with our inner wisdom our suffering lessens. Mia shares how we go about aligning with…
Healing fear and unhelpful patterns
Awakening is about facing our darkness and our light with honesty and compassion. We all have patterns of…
Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy
Align with your inner spirit. Heal physically, emotionally and spiritually, towards greater wellbeing.
Feeling safe and releasing control
Caught in our egoic identity it is impossible to feel safe and whole. Because this life experience is…
Totems and healing the past
How nature and totems can guide us, sometimes in surprising ways. How we go about healing our past….
Neverending Gentleness
The divine essence that we are held in and that we are is always; neverendingly gentle, neverendingly patient,…
Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy Podcast
Learn how to align with your own inner spirit. Heal with honesty and compassion. Let spirit flow.
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