Healing and wellbeing consults for physical health.

Mia, Healing and Wellbeing consultation

Mindfulness benefits our physical health

There is good awareness now of the immense benefits of mindfulness for mental health. However less are aware of the profound benefits for physical health.

To paraphrase Associate Professor Craig Hassed from Monash University. Chronic stress (chronic fight or flight response) creates excessive sympathetic nervous system activity, plus chemical changes, such as higher cortisol levels and adrenalin. Generating much more wear and tear on the body. The physical effects of this include:

  • poor immune function, more likely to get sick,
  • more inflammation ( immune dysregulation) inflammatory disease and arthritis,
  • metabolic issues: worsening cholesterol, blood sugar and higher blood pressure,
  • osteoporosis (bone thinning)
  • arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) worsening heart attacks and strokes,
  • damage to the brain, especially the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, responsible for memory and higher executive functioning
  • accelerates ageing by damaging the DNA.

Mindfulness/Meditation has been shown to reverse all of these issues and to slow down ageing.

Healing & Wellbeing sessions with Mia benefit physical health

Healing and Wellbeing sessions with Mia are available for your physical health. Either general health or if you have a specific issue.

The benefits include:

  • True slowing down of the body into a healthy, relaxed state. This is good practice for you. Over time it will start to heal all the stress issues mentioned above.
  • Resting into our heart space or inner spirit with Mia’s guidance, often brings insight into illness. We start to understand many of the adjustments needed in our lives to facilitate healing.
  • The state of resting in our inner spirit with Mia, is in itself healing. Our inner spirit is always loving, it is not fear based and judgmental like the mind can be. It is love that brings about healing.
  • Healing and Wellbeing will only ever be at the level your heart space is ready for. It is nothing more than taking you into your own heart. This is always gentle.

Mia would love to book you in for Healing & wellbeing for your physical health.

Healing & Wellbeing sessions last 1 hour: Standard is $280 and Medicare rebate $197.90 gap $82.10

Stud/Pens is $255 Medicare rebate $197.90 gap $57.10

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