Happiness requires diligence and gentleness

overwhelm means we need to love ourselves

If we want to find true happiness we need to start living from our inner being. Our spirit that is aching to guide us to a more joyous and fulfilled state.

However while we are still very caught in rushing and distraction it is hard to access the love and wisdom of our center.

Some diligence is required to create happiness.

A useful happiness list could look like this:

  • regular meditation, just starting at a level you can manage,
  • regular conscious breathing, stopping and having a few centered breaths wherever you are,
  • spend time in nature daily and get your shoes off planted into the earth,
  • learn to listen in and follow your wisdom even if it means not pleasing others,
  • practice non-judgment, as you learn not to judge others you will also learn to accept yourself,
  • be willing to see yourself with love, especially greet your fear, pain, anger and unworthiness with compassion,
  • step towards vulnerability, reach out for connection even if it risks rejection, adjust your work the way you need, even if it risks disapproval, be vulnerable enough to be your authentic Self,
  • eat well and look after the body,
  • have a good shake, punch the pillow, yell, cry, laugh, dance and play regularly.
  • On the days you don’t do any of these things, treat yourself with absolute gentleness

Discover more qualities that enlighten.

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