Building Worthiness shares Mia’s early awakening journey & enriches yours. Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy is about healing every aspect of you; emotional, physical & spiritual.
Building Worthiness
A doctor’s journey of awakening, a shared journey to worthiness.
Mia shares some of her own journey, as a way of describing how we all build worthiness towards awakening.
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Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy
Align with your inner spirit. Heal physically, emotionally and spiritually, towards greater wellbeing.
Why we need Retreat
Retreat is a blessed opportunity. It creates the space to rest into our true Self, away from life’s…
Adapting to change with grace
Adapting to changes that are painful or challenging can be really hard. This episode describes how we enable…
Compassion for our mistakes
This episode shares how we can hold our mistakes with great compassion, they are simply learning opportunities. I…
Spiritual Healing & Psychotherapy Podcast
Learn how to align with your own inner spirit. Heal with honesty and compassion. Let spirit flow.
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