About Living Awareness

It is beautiful to connect to our true Self. This is awareness. Living centered in awareness creates deep wellbeing.

Access your intuitive wisdom, make wholesome decisions & build loving relationships.

Awareness is a wellspring of love and wisdom.

Fear shifts towards love. Decisions become more wholesome, relationships heal. Life feels lighter because there is more trust in existence. You will slowly discover your gentle, powerful, compassionate and loving true nature.

I can help if you are:

  • wanting to heal your discomfort,
  • ready to take responsibility for your own wellbeing,
  • willing to discover your absolute worthiness, facing your shadow and light with loving compassion, 
  • ready to open to your beautiful inner spirit, to be loved and nurtured by it and to be informed by it.

Ready to start your journey?

With Mia’s gentle psychotherapy you can align with your true Self. As Self, life becomes wholesome and love starts to flow.

About Mia & Living Awareness

Mary Patricia Quinlivan is my full name. It’s always been Mary officially and otherwise, Trish Quinlivan. Towards the end of 2020, during meditation, I heard “Mia”.

Mia is a beautiful shortening of Mary Patricia and it means, “I am the beloved or I am love” in Sanskrit. This is what we all are. It’s a perfect reminder.

I have a beautiful husband Dan and two lovely sons Sam and Joe.


I first awakened in 2017 on retreat with Isira (Aunty Jinta: Elder of our First Nations People) at Uluru. Since then, there has been ongoing learning to slowly let go of egoic resistance and gently enter more deeply into love. It is both a challenging and incredibly beautiful journey.

I have been so privileged to access Aunty Jinta’s guidance. This is a gift of unconditional love and I feel immense gratitude.

Along the way, I have felt the presence of spirit guides. Particularly some very loving and completely irreverent indigenous Aunties. That is a beautiful story and my podcast “Into the Light with Mighty companions” is the best way to hear it. The podcast also shares insights that will empower your healing.

I also love A Course in miracles, it is immeasurably beautiful. The concept of True forgiveness, recognizing our absolute worthiness, is a huge part of healing.

I graduated from Medicine in 1991 and worked for 21 years as a doctor, in hospitals for three years then in general practice.

In 2012 an episode of severe insomnia, catalysed lovely transformation! It forced me to leave the general practice setting. I became a GP who focussed solely on mindfulness and psychotherapy. The nine years from 2012 – 2021 were beautiful and facilitated deepening awareness.

In early 2021 I knew it was time to allow more spirituality into my work. I do this only if clients are interested. Every consult I hold the intention to hand over to awareness, a space of true acceptance. This enables clients to access their own intuitive wisdom. A Course in Miracles calls it “psychotherapy with awareness .” I also started the Spiritual Psychotherapy podcast.

  • Handing over to awareness / intuitive wisdom increasingly.
  • Learning with Isira/Aunty Jinta since 2015 ( Elder of our First Nations People and trained by the Dalai Lama’s mentor).
  • A student of A Course in Miracles
  • Meditation /Mindfulness since age 18.
  • 2 years Gestalt psychotherapy training 2005, 2006.
  • Fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) 1996
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS) 1991 UWA

Living Awareness is the name of Aunty Jinta’s organization. It encompasses Aunty Jinta, her teachings and a team of people who value her commitment to truth and unconditional love. Aunty Jinta is a spiritual leader and an elder of our first Nations People. She was mentored by the Dalai Lama’s teacher.

I am privileged to be a member of the Living Awareness team and to be calling this website Living Awareness WA.

As a therapist I am fully autonomous. I offer my own unique expression, blending years of education and experience. At times I may also share wisdom I have learned from Aunty Jinta.

Some people feel wary of spirituality because of the bad rap religion and various cult like groups have created. I want to reassure you, true spirituality is never cult like, controlling or judgmental. It simply points you inward, towards your loving, inner wisdom. It is up to you, to find your authentic way forward.


Spiritual Psychotherapy

Discover your beautiful inner wisdom.

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