Acknowledge your growth

acknowledge your growth


” Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.” Mindset of Greatness

If you compare yourself now to a decade ago there will be change

I often see people who say ” when is this ever going to stop, I feel like I’m not getting anywhere?”
It can feel like that at times, but if you really stop and see the difference between now and a few decades ago,generally you will see great change.

If there is no change there may be some work to do

If there is no change then it may be about recognizing it is time to take responsibility for your happiness. To gently face yourself and open up.
Inevitably though , there will be change. The more willing you have been to embrace presence, see yourself and step towards vulnerability the more change there will be.

Lovingly accept what you are, be honest and present you will grow

It can feel really challenging, when we are caught in the washing machine of emotion or the grips of a pattern we keep repeating, to see we have grown. If you are reading this page though I suspect you are growing.
Take heart, judging yourself has no value.Lovingly accept everything that you are and be honest with what needs to change.Be present, be open. You are growing and you are beautiful as you are.

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